Eyal Keidar
Hi! I’m Eyal Keidar, a therapist for individuals, couples, and families, located in Barcelona.
I’m an accredited relational Psychotherapist by the FEATF.
I speak English, Hebrew, and Spanish, and have plenty of experience from academic studies, years of accompanying and doing therapy with people from varying contexts and diverse needs.

Individual Therapy
✳ Relational difficulties (communication, conflicts, trust, intimacy issues, trauma, anger management, etc.) ✳ Coping with emotions ✳ Anxiety, stress & crisis ✳ Immigration Challenges ✳ Identity issues ✳ Grief & loss & more.
I can help with:
We all, without exceptions, find ourselves at times in need for outside help, for a validating and empathic treatment that will help us fully understand what is happening to us and learn how to better cope with our challenges, whether personal or relational.
Individual psychotherapy provides a safe, confidential, and comfortable space where you can express yourself, in the way that best suits your needs, about any psychological or social challenge that might be limiting you in life or causing you suffering or crisis.
"The purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free.” Rollo May

"That which is created in a relationship can be fixed in a relationship.” Murray Bowen

Couples Therapy
I can help with:
✳ Communication issues ✳ Trust, intimacy and infidelity ✳ Grief & loss ✳ Conflict mediation ✳ Resentments ✳ Trauma & more.
Romantic relationships provide us a space in which to feel loved and nurtured. They help us to grow and evolve, but that doesn't mean it is an easy task to maintain them. It requires constant balance, adjustment and communication that don’t always come easy.
As time goes by, partners face different life conditions, their needs change; sometimes people even act and react in ways they regret, they find it hard to adjust themselves to each other, challenges and conflicts appear. That is normal.
Therapy can help both partners to better understand their individual needs and find a way for them to express themselves, to feel they are understood and nurtured by the other and grow together.
Family Therapy
I can help with:
✳ Communication issues ✳ Trust ✳Adjustment to changes ✳immigration difficulties ✳ Grief & loss ✳ Conflict mediation ✳ Resentments ✳ Trauma & more.
Our family relationships provide our most basic and significant environment. This is a profound connection, an inseparable aspect of who we are. It is also complex and tricky, in many cases, even frustrating. It is normal to encounter challenges in our interaction with our family members as we try to find a balance between being true to our own needs and sharing a space with them.
Systemic therapy sees such challenges as resulting from the interaction between the family members, as the role and position of each member is part of everyone’s experience, and the wellbeing of each one is essential for the harmony of the whole.
No family is the same, and each member has different needs. Therapy provides a validating and respectful space, so everyone can learn to communicate and understand each other’s perspectives, acquire new strategies and encourage positive change.
"Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” Unknown

About Me
I grew up in a kibbutz in Israel and I currently live in Barcelona. I came to build a life in Spain together with my Catalan partner, which I met in a trip abroad. I come from the world of systemic and relational psychodynamic therapy. My professional experience derives from a bachelor’s degree, a Master in Family Therapy, studies of psychology, trauma therapy studies and practical work in the Hospital of Sant Pau and Fundació Vidal i Barraquer in Barcelona. I´m an accredited relational Psychotherapist by the FEATF. I have had the pleasure of accompanying and doing therapy with people of different backgrounds and needs, working with individuals, couples, and families.
As with any other person, I have lived many life contexts and filled various roles. Each of these seemed to transform the way I experienced myself and the world. I moved from the safe and accommodating to the strange and intimidating, at times brave and capable, at others fragile and frightened. In the end, it is my relationships that have given me the stable basis on which to grow, to create meaning, to love and be loved.
These experiences have led me to my approach as a professional.
Why Therapy?
Our environment and relationships provide significant conditions through which we evolve and interpret the world. Those conditions are not equal or alike from person to person, and it’s essential to be aware of our experience in the face of this fact. Even so, I believe that each one of us has the ability to take charge of our life and make decisions, whether hard or easy, that transform us and shape every day who we are. We can free ourselves from our own barriers.
My passion for the systemic and psychodynamic therapy stems from that perspective. I see it as an authentic and powerful encounter that helps us to unveil and revise our relational experiences, the many layers of identity and roles we assume with our loved ones, that shape us in the here and now.
We can’t always do that alone; that's what psychotherapy is for.
Feel Free to Contact Me
Carrer Bruc, 88, Barcelona, Spain
Whats App: +
Calls: +34 632 480 927